What is Chiropractic
Chiropractic is a natural approach to health that focuses primarily on the the brain - body connection, in particular the relationship between your spine and your nerve system. For your brain to understand what is going on and to be able to respond appropriately and function optimally, every message to and from your body traveling via your nerve system (particularly your spinal cord and spinal nerves) must not be interfered with. this important system is protected by your spine. Any areas of dysfunction (in chiropractic terms also called a subluxation) may lead to your brain not understanding what is going on and therefore may not be able to respond appropriately.
“We currently define a chiropractic subluxation as a self-perpetuating, central segmental motor control problem that involves a joint, such as a vertebral motion segment, that is not moving appropriately, resulting in ongoing maladaptive neural plastic changes that interfere with the central nervous system’s ability to self-regulate, self-organize, adapt, repair and heal.” (The Rubicon Group, May 2017.)
Research has shown that stressors in our environment on a day-to-day basis such as physical stress, chemical stress and emotional stress can cause interruption to the normal communication between our brain and body / spine and nerve system. These imbalances prevent the clear flow of information along the nerves from our brain to our body. This is where chiropractors come in, we are trained to specifically analyze and adjust where required to stimulate these imbalances and allow your body, spine and nerve system to function at its best.